Pain therapy
Various activities such as swimming, cycling and running can help prevent and soothe pain.
As pain is not a predetermined feeling that you have to suffer, we offer varied forms of therapy so every patient can leave the surgery feeling relieved.
Chiropractic – Osteopathy
In medicine, manual therapy (Chiropractic) is used to treat dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system with gentle techniques. Joints can be realigned to relieve spinal discs of the pressure on the nerve root.
Osteopathy is a holistic method which uses hand movements (craniosacral, release and strain/counter-strain technique) both diagnostically and therapeutically. The functioning of the human body with its interplay of structure and function is positively supported. This self-regulation can therefore improve physical and mental wellbeing.
Technical Aid
- Spineliner
- Electrotherapy
- Ultrasound
- High tone therapy
- Paraffin wrap
- Mudpack
- lymphatic drainage, mechanical